Zero Hedge from TomDispatch: William Astore on Ending the Pentagon’s Long Con

Ending the Pentagon’s Long Con: Six Ways to Curb America’s Military Machine By William J. Astore In short, the U.S. spends staggering sums annually, essentially stolen from a domestic economy and infrastructure that’s fraying at the seams, on what still passes for “defense.” The result: botched wars in distant lands that have little, if anything, to do …

Zero Hedge: NASA Defrauded by Metals Company Blamed for $700 Million in Losses and Two Failed Launches — NASA Does Not Do Quality Control?

NASA Defrauded By Metals Company Blamed For $700 Million In Losses And Two Failed Launches An Oregon-based metals manufacturer faked test results and provided faulty materials to NASA, which the agency says caused over $700 million in losses and two failed satellite launches, according to the results of an internal investigation. Phi Beta Iota: What this really means is …

Yoda: US Adults Beware – Fatal Vaccination Campaign Coming Soon? UPDATE 1

U.S. measles outbreak raises questions about immunity in adults Adults in the United States who were vaccinated against measles decades ago may need a new dose depending on when they received the shot and their exposure risk, according to public health experts battling the nation’s largest outbreak since the virus was deemed eliminated in 2000. …