Marcus Aurelius: 10+ Combat Events = Mental Breakdown – Either Avoid Elective Wars, Or Maintain a Larger Army (for Toxic Leaders, Triple Again)

Here’s What’s Troubling American Troops in One Chart It’s about ‘combat experiences,’ not length of deployment This Army graph makes crystal clear what many U.S. troops, and their loved ones, have long suspected: the more combat events they experience, the more mental-health problems they will suffer. In fact, according to this illustration from a new …

Berto Jongman: The Year the USA (Courts, NSA, Google) Broke the Internet

2014: The Year America Broke The Internet A recent decision by a US Appeals court ended the regulation of the internet as we know it. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was deemed to have created a framework for ensuring the concept of “net neutrality” out-with the remit for the organisation it created itself. Now, a …

Berto Jongman: Massimo Pigliucci – Is Information Physical? And what does that mean?

Is information physical? And what does that mean? Massimo Pigliucci Rationally Speaking Posted: Jan 24, 2014 Massimo Pigliucci I’ve been reading for a while now Jim Baggott’s Farewell to Reality: How Modern Physics Has Betrayed the Search for Scientific Truth, a fascinating tour through cutting edge theoretical physics, led by someone with a physics background …