Anonymous: Mind Control Case Study – Psychotronics and the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Threat — Was Donald Trump Implanted During His Hair Operation?

Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge but believe this information to be credible and worthy of deep investigation if the Deep State can be defeated and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) re-constituted as a genuine counterintelligence organization with integrity in public service. There are increasing signs that the Deep State is using …

Anonymous: WWIII Over North Korea UPDATE 1

Anonymous warns world to ‘prepare’ for World War 3 According to Anonymous, President Trump’s test of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile last week — coupled with a recent warning from Japanese officials to citizens, telling them to make preparations for a possible nuclear attack — are ultimately proof that all signs are pointing to a …

Robert Parry: NYT Loves #GoogleGestapo — Cheers Algorithms That Kill Information NYT Does Not Like [While Protecting Fake News Approved by the Deep State]

NYT Cheers the Rise of Censorship Algorithms The New York Times is cheering on the Orwellian future for Western “democracy” in which algorithms quickly hunt down and eliminate information that the Times and other mainstream outlets don’t like, reports Robert Parry. Since the Times is a member of the Google-funded First Draft Coalition – along …

Robert Parry: Existential Question – Who Can We Trust?

The Existential Question of Who to Trust Special Report: An existential question facing humankind is who can be trusted to describe the world and its conflicts, especially since mainstream experts have surrendered to careerism, writes Robert Parry. The existential issue before us is whether – blinded by propaganda and disinformation – we will stumble into …