SchwartzReport: 1,000 Year Drought in Eight Years — Corrupt Ignorant Governments Will Ignore This and Waste All Eight of Those Years

This is what we are headed towards unless we make massive adjustments in our way of life. Worst Drought in 1,000 Years Could Begin in Eight Years Beginning in just eight years, we could see permanent climate conditions across the North American Southwest that are comparable to the worst megadrought in 1,000 years. (1) The …

Rickard Falkvinge: Swarmwise – Tactical Manual for Changing the World – Chapter One

Swarmwise – The Tactical Manual To Changing The World. Chapter One. Swarm Management:  Somewhere today, a loose-knit group of activists who are having fun is dropkicking a rich, established organization so hard they are making heads spin. Rich and resourceful organizations are used to living by the golden rule – “those with the gold make …

Owl: Relationship Science Releases Dream “Hit List” Database for Use by Occupy and Others Upset with 1% Looting of the US Economy

This new database will be useful for Robb’s global guerrillas to compile “Highly Accurate Lists”: A Database of Names and How They Connect By ANDREW ROSS SORKIN It sounds like a Rolodex for the 1 percent: two million deal makers, power brokers and business executives — not only their names, but in many cases the …

Owl: Lt Chris Dorner USNR Fan Club Grows — Are Citizen Snipers Swarming to Los Angeles? Presidential Pardon and Truth & Reconciliation Recommended!

Lt Chris Dorner, USNR (Honorable Discharge) is acquiring a fan club. Chris Dorner Fan Club The 2nd half of this article below is about a a 1972 incident in New Orleans about another black, a vet, who loses it from constant injustice, and ends up killing a lot of cops and civilians before they get …

Owl: Mike Ruppert on WHY $1 Million is Offered for the Rogue Cop – Catalyst for West Coast Uprising?

According to a recent radio show hosted by Michael Ruppert, Dorner has worked with Navy Seals (perhaps implied in the wiki bio below) – he’s a well-trained warrior, an operator. Ruppert mentioned much else about Dorner that will strike students of John Robb’s writings on the “global guerilla” as having many affinities to this type …

Reflections on Lincoln, Principle, Compromise, Autonomous Internet & Citizen Intelligence / Counter-Intelligence 2.0 with Meta-RECAP

EDIT of 21 January 2013:  I have gotten both sharp criticism from folks I revere, and complements.  I am more than willing to delete this, but I am more interested in having people think outside the lines.  I’ve made some revisions, adding issues and readings in each section.   Email me as you please, robert.david.steele.vivas [at] …