John Robb: Russia in Crimea – A Hostile Energy Acquisition

Why is Russia going after the Crimea? It’s just a hostile acquisition As I’ve said for years, Russia is an energy company with all the trappings of nation-state — John McCain recently paraphrased me by calling Russia “a gas station masquerading as a country.” Everything Russia does militarily is aimed at expanding it’s energy interests.  From acquiring …

NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan-Russia-India, Good-Bye ISAF

India-Russia-Afghanistan: India, Russia and Afghanistan quietly have created a triangular arrangement for providing arms aid to Afghanistan after NATO withdraws. None of the countries have made an official announcement. Only a small number of news services, including The Moscow Times and Pakistani newspapers, have published articles about it. The arrangement was finalized in February when …

Veterans Today: US Produced Sarin Gas for Syrian Rebels, in Georgia (the Country Next to Russia)

US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria Jeffrey K. Silverman Veterans Today, 8 April 2014 Jeffrey K. Silverman, 22 years resident of the former Soviet Union, since October 1991, resides in Tbilisi Georgia worked with Radio Free Europe, crime, corruption and terrorism report. USAR, 100th Division Training, Fort Knox and Blue Grass Army Chemical Weapons …

4th Media: Latin America Chooses Russian Weapons Systems — De-Americanization Proceeds Apace

Latin America Chooses Russia-Made Weapons Nil Nikandrov Latin American experts know it well – Russia-made weapons are known for quality. Rosoboronexport (the state intermediary agency for Russia’s exports/imports of defense-related products, technologies and services) has rich experience of doing deals in the Western Hemisphere – from Mexico to Chile. Its efforts have not gone down …

Berto Jongman: David Brin on World War IV — Russia-Syria-Iran-Iraq and Shi’ite vs. Sunni — Saudi Arabia as the Wild Card

Is World War IV taking shape? David Brin World economics seer Louis-Vincent Gave, of the Gavekal Partnership, has explained the pivotal meaning of the Crimea Incident in a larger context which he calls a looming “World War IV” —the conflict between the Shia and Sunni branches of Islam, in which Sunnis control larger reserves …

NIGHTWATCH: Russia, Crimea, Ukraine, & The Nazi Hydra – Beginning of a Long War to Eradicate 21st Century Nazis?

Russia: President Putin met the CEO of Siemens at his residence outside Moscow today. Siemens promised to continue working with the Russian firm Gazprom and to continue doing business in Russia. Comment: The Wall Street Journal published an insightful article describing how German firms have been working behind the scenes all month to maintain Russian …

Berto Jongman: WSJ on US Intelligence Collection Failure In Relation to Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea

U.S. Scurries to Shore Up Spying on Russia In Crimea, Russia May Have Gotten a Jump on West by Evading U.S. Eavesdropping EXTRACTS: U.S. military satellites spied Russian troops amassing within striking distance of Crimea last month. But intelligence analysts were surprised because they hadn’t intercepted any telltale communications where Russian leaders, military commanders or …