Robert Steele: Snap-Shot of the Zionist Attack Machine — Six Ways, 90 Days

Ever since Cynthia McKinney and I posted the bumper stick below the fold, we have been under attack. I list the six ways in which we have been attacked — the latest being Kasperky labeling us an “XXX” site, most probably because Kaspersky, like YouTube, is too lazy to vet false reports, especially when they …

Preston James: ISIS Defeated — Zionists, Rothschilds, Vatican Are Next…

ISIS now defeated — what’s next? Now that the Khazarian Mafia has failed with ISIS, what will they try next? It’s taken almost 16 years for all the truth to come out that Israel and the Mossad planned and ran the 9-11-01 attack on America with stand-down and cover-up assistance by the Pentagon, USAF, FAA, …

Worth a Look: Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Zionists

An accurate accounting of the history of Blacks and Jews from the Columbian era to the Civil War, including the extensive record of Jewish slave trading in the western hemisphere. 334 pages – 1,275 footnotes – More than 3,000 sources – Jewish journals, encyclopedias, newspapers & other publications – Jewish scholars & rabbis – Court …