Owl: US Pedophilia at Highest Levels — Catholic Archbishops as the Enablers — While FBI Turns a Blind Eye and Satanic Protestant Elite Syphon Kids from Child Protective Agencies with Insider Help

A very high-level protector of priest pederasts, Cardinal Mahoney of the LA diocese, is being kicked out of his job: “Archbishop Jose Gomez said he had stripped his predecessor, the retired cardinal Roger Mahony, of all public and administrative duties.” More details here: Catholic cardinal stripped of duties as LA diocese child abuse files released …

Owl: Pedophilia as “Privilege” and “Pure” — Single Source Page for Glimpse of Chasm Into Hell — Coast to Shining Satanic Coast – FBI Complicit? 1.5

A big problem in sharing even excellent, well-sourced information on the theme of pedophiles occupying the highest ranks of organizations, whether they be corporate, governmental or even religious, is not the sense of incredulity such information usually provokes in typically asleep middle-class readers who have lived relatively protected, cocooned existences oblivious to the innumerable black …

Joachim Hagopian: Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine Mandates While Truth and Revolution Fill the Air

Massive Death Wave Coming Amidst Vaccine Mandates While Truth and Revolution Fill the Air Truth and revolution are in the air. With the unveiling of so many known health hazards linked directly to the Big Pharma industry’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout, the international crime cabal is now on the defensive, using the adage that the best …

Joachim Hagopian: The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity

The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death.                  David Martin, PhD., intellectual property-patent expert, U. of Virginia School of Medicine professor[1] Over a half dozen years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled …

Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Part 15

Part 15 The depopulation agenda is further exposed. The use of food additives, toxic chemicals in consumer products, GMOs and family planning are examined. Most of the additives in food, water, beauty, care and cleaning products are poisonous. Many cause cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. There are metal casings in some food products which result in …