Robert Steele: DHS and DNI Statement on Russia and Electronic Electoral Machine Hacking Has Errors of Fact — Did White House Write This to Help Hillary Clinton? UPDATE 1: FBI Refused To Sign This False Flag Propaganda

UPDATE 1: FBI’s James Comey Opposed Naming Russia As An Election Meddler, Source Confirms The Joint Statement from the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security, contains errors of fact. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for …

Cynthia McKinney: The Truth at Any Cost…

Truth Foretold, Specious Journalism, And Spurious Assertions: The Case of Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg View, and The Charlotte Observer While it is true that I was “booted” by pro-war Democrats who worked in concert with like-minded Republicans, your assertion of my being booted for “peddling conspiracies” deserves a deeper look.  My booting, by the way, resulted …

Berto Jongman: Fewer and Fewer Journalists…

Employment picture darkens for journalists at digital outlets In 2005, for every one digital-only journalist, there were 20 newspaper journalists. In 2015, for every one digital-only journalist, there were four newspaper journalists. In 2005, there were 69,900 journalists employed in these two industries. In 2015, there were 51,980, a decline of 26 percent. As a …

Marcus Aurelius: Dead People Registering to Vote – Democratic Voter Fraud in Virginia

FBI Investigating After Dead People Registered To Vote In Swing State “Oftentimes we hear our Democratic colleagues suggest that voter fraud doesn’t exist in Virginia, or it’s a myth,” House Speaker William Howell, R-Stafford, said. “This is proof that voter fraud not only exists but is ongoing and is a threat to the integrity of …

Del Spurlock: Millennial Bold – Break Something!

“Something bold needs to happen”: An in-depth look at millennial America Earlier this month, Salon spoke with leading Democratic Party pollster Stan Greenberg about what he learned from conducting focus groups with millennials. “They think the system’s rigged,” he told us. Young Americans are anxious to “disrupt” and upend a broken status quo, Roosevelt Institute …

Worth a Look: Year of Voting Dangerously (Columns by Maureen Dowd)

Maureen Dowd’s incendiary takes and takedowns from 2016–the most bizarre, disruptive and divisive Presidential race in modern history. Trapped between two candidates with the highest recorded unfavorables, Americans are plunged into The Year of Voting Dangerously. In this perilous and shocking campaign season, The New York Times columnist traces the psychologies and pathologies in one …