Gordon Duff: Russia says Baghdadi killing faked by US [& Israel] UPDATE 11

Exclusive: Russia says Bagdadi killing faked by US, part of new move against the region by Deep State Russian intelligence inside Syria reported that their S400 radar systems which cover Idlib saw no American aircraft over the area where the Baghdadi raid was claimed.  UPDATE 11: Robert Steele sums it all up in article published …

Robert Steele: Adam Schiff & CIA Compromised to Point of Treason? Update 2: Soros Funded Schiff

There is absolutely no question in my mind, based on years of non-fiction reading and direct observation, but that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Mueller, Buzzy Krongard, George Tenet, John Brennan, Larry Silverstein, Maurice Greenberg, James Clapper, and Mike Hayden are all richly qualified to be indicted and tried and if convicted, sent to jail …

SPECIAL DefDog: Despite Known Hoax by 4Chan, ADL Declares A-OK Symbol a White Supremacist Sign Zionist Strike #50

UPDATE 1B: This is just too funny. As much as we despise the ADL and believe its leaders should be put behind bars as terrorists and subversives, an Alert Reader has pointed out that the ADL has been hoaxed. Here’s the story from the ADL itself — despite this, they believe they have the right …

SPECIAL: UN Trump Triumph for Peace

A Post Cold War Moment Trump just finished his speech in front of the UN and one thing was missing: any major denunciation of Iran, or anybody, for attacking Abqaiq last week. A denunciation, and a pledge of action to follow, that would have been expected by an American president since WW2.