Berto Jongman: Proof Positive Neo-Cons Orchestrated Russia Today On Air Resignation of Recently Demoted & Disgruntled Employee

How Cold War-Hungry Neocons Stage Managed Liz Wahl’s Resignation EXTRACT It is the story, according to former colleagues, of an apolitical, deeply disgruntled employee seeking an exit strategy from a job where, sources say, she was disciplined for unprofessional behavior and had been demoted. Wahl did not return several voice and text messages sent to …

Berto Jongman: “Russian Spring” Will De-Americanize Europe as CELAC is De-Americanizing Central and South America

Cyber attack: ‘The Russian Spring’ in the hands of Putin, domination of Europe is close Submitted by CWZ on Sun, 03/16/2014 Does the name Aleksand Dugin ring you any bells? Well, he is one of the advisors of Putin and on 9 March 2014 he provided Putin a plan on how to dominate Europe. Aleksandr Dugin …

Owl: Crimean Tatars — Long Genocided by Russia — Threaten Jihad

Tatars comprise 12% of Crimean population, and they are are real badasses with a lot of jihadis, and will be a major component in a volatile mix over there. Jihadi Crimean Tatars Threaten Terrorism After Russian Takeover Phi Beta Iota: Tatars have been subject to genocide by the Russians for a very long time. They …

4th Media: Rodrigue Tremblay – US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure

US Policy of Isolating Russia and Expanding NATO Is a Dismal Failure Rodrogue Tremblay 4th Media, 8 March 2014 [NATO’s goal is] to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down. — Hastings Ismay, first NATO Secretary-General Of all the enemies to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded …

Berto Jongman: Izborsk Club Itemizes US/NATO Acts of War Within Ukraine Against Russia — Now Being Replayed by Sorcha Faal and Others

Izborsk Club sees a plan for war over the Ukraine EXCLUSIVE: Citing Cuban Missile Crisis, Leading Russian Grouping Sees Plans for War Over Ukraine Written by experts for the Izborsk Club, an influential intellectual group accorded prominence by President Vladimir Putin in recent months, the statement defines a “fascist and Nazi creeping coup” in …

NIGHTWATCH: Russia & Crimea, Ukraine & the West

Ukraine: In the past two days, events moved quickly again; this time in Crimea. The first reports of separatist actions indicated armed men without identifying insignia seized the airport at Simferopol, the regional capital. Russian news reports said Russian soldiers seized the airport that serves Sevastopol, the location of the Russian navy base.