Noah Feldman: The Unconstitutional Judiciary in the USA — Surrendering Judgment to the Executive AND Protecting a Private Cabal

A court case so secret, US Govt says it can’t go on Phi Beta Iota: The story documents two subversions of the US Constitution. First, the judiciary is allowing Executive administrative claims to totally subject the rule of law — no facts, no judgment. Second, the government is further abusing its powers by using them …

SchwartzReport: The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) Secretive Right-Wing Corruption of the US Judiciary

I consider the corruption of the American judicial system to actually be worse that the corruption of the legislative branch of government. And the fact that a sitting Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, was present and contributed to this movement to skew the judiciary to reflect the views of the corporatist Theocratic Right, in my …

Open Power: A Notional Coalition Team to Force Electoral Reform in 2015 and Run for Reform in 2016

IMAGINE a Coalition Team led by an Independent but in fact a team of equals whose sole mission in life was to restore the integrity of the electoral process in 2015 and thence of the government, economy, and society in the USA in 2016 and beyond. Below is such a team as a starting point …

SchwartzReport: Congressman Confesses 9 Crimes — #ElectoralReform

The Congress has become so fundamentally degraded we are beginning to see whistleblowers telling us the suppressed truth. This is the state of American democracy, and it is not a happy story. Not particularly his first point, that Congresspersons are not out of touch with the people that elect them. Ultimately in a democracy people …