Stephen E. Arnold: Google Invests in Robot Reporters — Where’s the Truth?

Google Invests in Robot Reporters People fear that robots will replace them in the workforce, but reporters did not have to deal with this worry.  Machines lack the capability to write cohesive news pieces, except that robots are getting smarter.  Google might become the bane of news reporters, because of Business Insider shares that, “Google …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Russia Demands Google Register its “Agents”

Russia Demands Google Register or Leave Say, this could be good news for Yandex, the Russian search giant. RT News reports, “Google News Given 3 Mths to Comply with New Law to Stay in Russia.” If Google fails to register, it could be fined and, eventually, blocked within Russia’s borders. See Also: #GoogleGestapo @ Phi …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo Defines Censorship Terms

Google and Hate Speech: None of This I Know It When I See It I read “YouTube Clarifies “Hate Speech” Definition and Which Videos Won’t Be Monetized.” I don’t know much about defining abstractions because I live in rural Kentucky. Our governor just recommended prayer patrols to curb violence in Louisville, home of the Derby …

Mongoose: #GoogleGestapo Faces $9B Hit in Europe

Google Faces $9B Fine in Europe For Manipulating What Users See An investigation by the European Commission into questionable business practices that directed user searches to Google’s own shopping services is likely to result in a massive anti-competition penalty for the Mountain View, California giant.

#GoogleGestapo: The Cloud Panopticon: Google, Cloud Computing and the Surveillance-Industrial-Complex

The Cloud Panopticon: Google, Cloud Computing and the Surveillance-Industrial-Complex Christopher Ketcham & Travis Kelly EXTRACT: “When private data is held by a third party like Google, the Supreme Court has ruled that you ‘assume the risk’ of disclosure of that data.” When you store e-mail at Gmail – or, similarly, in the cloud at Yahoo …