Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Targetting Vulnerable Kids – A Branch of #GoogleGestapo?

Facebook Excitement: The Digital Country and Kids I read “Facebook Admits Oversight after Leak Reveals Internal Research On Vulnerable Children.” The write up reports that an Australian newspaper: reported that Facebook executives in Australia used algorithms to collect data on more than six million young people in Australia and New Zealand, “indicating moments when young …

Robert Parry: NYT Loves #GoogleGestapo — Cheers Algorithms That Kill Information NYT Does Not Like [While Protecting Fake News Approved by the Deep State]

NYT Cheers the Rise of Censorship Algorithms The New York Times is cheering on the Orwellian future for Western “democracy” in which algorithms quickly hunt down and eliminate information that the Times and other mainstream outlets don’t like, reports Robert Parry. Since the Times is a member of the Google-funded First Draft Coalition – along …

Stephen E. Arnold: #GoogleGestapo – Dealing with “Deplorable” Content — Google Decides, Badly, without Legal Due Process Never Mind the First Amendment…

Revealing the Google Relevance Sins I was surprised to read “Google’s Project Owl”. Talk about unintended consequences. An SEO centric publication reported that Google was going to get on the stick and smite fake news and “problematic content.” (I am not sure what “problematic content” is because I think a person’s point of view influences …

Yoda: Breaking #GoogleGestapo — the Next Internet? Basic Attention Token, Brave Software, Ethereum

The Basic Attention Token is one of the most compelling projects in the Ethereum space right now, and if successful, would fundamentally change the way advertising works on the internet. The white paper released by Brave Software is a high-level description of the idea and why it’s important for the future of the internet. While …

Betty Boop: Twitter Manipulating Poll on Syria — #GoogleGestapo Racketeering Network at Work?

Are Twitter polls being manipulated to suppress dissent? A Twitter poll on Trump’s air strikes in Syria began on April 6, 2017 was observed, minute-to-minute, staying at an exact 50% to 50% spread from zero to over a thousand total votes. Such numbers, while not impossible, are highly unlikely. Perhaps more bizarrely, the poll was …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google AI Bombs Big — PBI: But Eric Schmidt Has No Problem Defining Trump as Toxic…

Alphabet Google Smart Software Cannot Define Hate I read “Alphabet’s Hate Fighting AI Doesn’t Understand Hate Yet.” That struck me as odd. I learned in “Google’s AI Learned to Be Highly Aggressive When Stressed.” I assumed that an aggressive AI would take on an online dictionary, wrest the definition of hate from the Web site, …