Robert Steele: Legitimate Grievances, Scattered Protests — From Sedition to Reform?

The Main Street Manifesto Nouriel Roubini A vast underclass of increasingly indebted, socially immobile Americans – African-Americans, Latinos, and, increasingly, whites – is revolting against a system that has failed it. This phenomenon is not limited to the US, of course. In 2019 alone, massive demonstrations rocked Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, France, Hong Kong, India, Iran, …

George Webb: DNC Gladio C Burning & Violence Plan — Transcript of Banned Video That Connects DNC, Mossad, Antifa

VIDEO BANNED BY YOUTUBE Who’s Hand Is Behind the Antifa Coup? Same Hand as 4 Years Ago, Alexandra Bruce George Webb does a little victory lap in this short video, in which he reminds us that he was on the trail of this coup 3 years ago, following an encrypted Blackberry communications network of …

Trump Triumph Part IV: Get a Grip on Education, Intelligence, & Research; Create White House Command Center with Trump Studio, Web 3.0 Truth Ecology, Open Source Agency

Plato emphasized education of the public as the single most important role for government — to assure a strong smart wealthy nation the public needs to be educated. Similarly, as Ben Gilad cited one CEO in Business Blindspots, “until you get the truth on the table, no matter how ugly it is, you are not …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans May 2020 – Round Two Virus Attack + More Cities Burning in September – October 2020

American Gray Swans – May 2020 Round 2 is coming while our cities burn! Whatever you believe about the Covid 19 issue there is one thing for certain. It is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that our supply chain is vulnerable to collapse. The American Gray Swans simply points out at least 13 …