John Whitehead: COVID-19 Cover Story for Era of Mass Surveillance

Warp Speed Ahead: COVID-19 Vaccines Pave the Way for a New Frontier in Surveillance Like it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic with its veiled threat of forced vaccinations, contact tracing, and genetically encoded vaccines is propelling humanity at warp speed into a whole new frontier—a surveillance matrix—the likes of which we’ve only previously encountered in …

Robert Steele: The Death of US-UK Intelligence? IF They Declare War on Alternative Media / Anti-Vaxxers THEN They Will Lose Everything

I believe the below to be true and planned. It makes the appointment of Mike Flynn as restored Director of Central Intelligence, and Sidney Flynn as the new Director of the FBI bringing back several thousand retired but honest and competent Special Agents, all the more urgent. US – UK Intel Agencies Declare Cyber War …

Robert Steele: Law Enforcement Across US Refusing to Enforce COVID Orders

Law Enforcement Across the U.S. Overwhelmingly REFUSING to Enforce COVID Orders – Will the Public Follow? ROBERT STEELE: This is an excellent counterpoint to: Mongoose: Citizens Stand Up to Fat Stupid Sheriffs Without a Warrant Lockdowns are a violation of interstate commerce  protocols and masks as well as vaccines are a violation of the  Nuremberg …