Pablo Escobar: France Stealing & Hiding Cheap Tested Virus Cure to Give Big Pharma Time to Create Very Expensive Untested “Cure”

Why France is hiding a cheap and tested virus cure The French government is arguably helping Big Pharma profit from the Covid-19 pandemic Chloroquine costs one euro for ten pills. And there’s the rub: Big Pharma – which, crucially, finances INSERM, and includes “national champion” Sanofi – would rather go for a way more profitable …

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai MIT PhD Open Letter to President Donald J Trump on Avoiding Destruction of US Economy and Rapid Resolution of the Virus Challenge

As sent 23 March 2020 RE: Immune and Economic Health for America Dear Mr. President: This letter provides your Administration a solution to restore the immune and economic health of the American people. This solution can be executed immediately in a low-risk and cost-effeective manner. The current trajectory of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s public “health” policy …