IVN: Bernie Sanders Loves the Two-Party Tyranny, Refuses to Embrace Non-Partisan Electoral Reform

Why Won’t Bernie Sanders Embrace Nonpartisan Election Reform? On Thursday, Open Primaries President and CEO John Opdycke and Dr. Jessie Fields, a founding member of the Independent Party in New York City and Open Primaries board member, co-authored an op-ed in Newsweek titled, “Bernie Sanders Should Embrace Political Reform.”  . . .   When it comes …

Mongoose: How Eisenhower Solved Illegal Immigration with 1,075 Border Patrol Agents (Hint: He Castrated Employers of Illegals and Their Political Pals)

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico Christian Science Monitor, 6 July 2006 Fifty-three years ago, when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America’s southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million illegal migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years …

USS Liberty Update: Israel Jammed Distress Frequencies, 4 out of 5 Torpedoes Missed, Ran Out of Ammunition — Intent Was to Sink Ship, Kill All

As the Zionist government of Israel continues to meddle in US internal matters, massing its legions of unregistered agents against the Iran treaty — most of these domestic agents bribed by payments (at a time when the US taxpayer funds 20% of the Israeli government budget) and all taking direction from this foreign power, it …