Sepp Hasslberger: Is the Economy About Finance for the 1% or Bien Estar (Well-Being) for the 99%?

What’s the economy all about … is it people, or finance? Because You’re Worthless – Challenging The Current Economic System in 3 Minutes Poem by Agnes Török on the news of a new Conservative budget. Based on experiences of living in Britain under austerity as a young, queer, unemployed, female immigrant student – and not …

Nikola K. Gvosdev: National Interest on China, Russia, India

China’s Master Plan to Thwart American Dominance in Asia Nikola K. Gvosdev The Ukraine crisis has permanently ruptured Russia’s ties to the West and pulled Moscow into a closer relationship with Beijing.   …   As much as Washington likes to trumpet its good relationship with India, the reality is that Xi has made cultivation of India …

Chuck Spinney: Judith Curry on Global Warming Debate and Politics Over Science

Below is an informative presentation (in pdf format) entitled the State of the U.S. Climate Debate.  It has been produced by Professor Judith Curry of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology and will shortly be presented to the House of Lords in the UK Parliament.  The pdf file includes her slides with her …

Review (Guest): Unstoppable – The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State

Ralph Nader This is Both an Accurate and a Useful Treatise, But …?, October 25, 2014 By Herbert L Calhoun “paulocal” … the accurate part is not very useful and the useful part is not very accurate. Allow me to explain by beginning with the accurate part of the book first. Using his considerable experiences …