Review: The Arsonist – The Most Dangerous Man in America (James Otis 1760′s Catalyst for Liberty)

Nathan A. Allen Six Star Pre-History Ignored Until Now, July 17, 2011 This is a BARN-BURNER of a book! This book is a PhD dissertation that is being published quickly to aid the cause of liberty in 2012. The academic detail would normally make it a four-star read, but the relevance, the originality, and the …

Review: To Save America Stopping Obama’s Secular-Socialist Machine

Newt Gingrich and *many* other contributors. Hyperbole Squared, Disingenious, Mostly Theater, June 2, 2011 I happen to like Newt Gingrich, but no one has held him accountable on matters of truth for decades. When I was elected Virtual President at the Huffington Post (search for Robert David Steele), Newt was my choice for Vice President …

Review: Liberty Defined–50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom

Ron Paul Six Stars for Ron Paul’s Consistent Constitution–50 one liners, May 10, 2011 I have read and reviewed earlier books by Ron Paul, such as The Revolution: A Manifesto and A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship. This book moves into a higher class (only 10% of the books I read …


Updated 1 June 2017 Below in two columns are righteous sites and professional sites of note. RIGHTEOUS SITES OF NOTE 9/11 Academic Earth Adblock Plus (add-on) A Force More Powerful Afrigadget A Human Right (Internet Access) Aid Data Akshaya Trust (feeding & housing) ALEC Exposed Alliance for Separation of School & State …

Review: The Extreme Searcher’s Internet Handbook–Guide for the Serious Searcher

Ran Hock 6 Stars–The ONE Essential Reference March 13, 2011 I’ve known Ran Hock for close to twenty years, and now that Mary Ellen Bates (MEB) and Reva Basch are retired (see their last books below), Ran is more or less the last man standing in the independent information brokerage domain, at least that I …