Sepp Hasslberger: Jon Rappoport on Vaccines, the Big Picture, and Why Total Offense to Take Back the Power is Required

Vaccines are part of a precise agenda. Jon Rappoport explains what that agenda is, and he concludes: “Understanding all these points should convince those who resist vaccination that playing defense, hoping for acknowledgment, and pleading for understanding are not enough. Going on the offense with great energy is required.” Globalism and the push for mandatory …

CounterPunch: Robert Steele: A Fantasy On the Seventh Day — How to Fast Track Extreme Democracy in the USA

A Fantasy: On the Seventh Day DAY ONE The fat sweaty Capitol Hill policeman was in lust. The perfect babe was walking past him toward the steps of The Capitol, wearing only a T-shirt and the shortest of shorts, carrying only a cell phone and a jug. The possibilities of a wet T-shirt fully occupied …

SchwartzReport: 50% of Older Americans Have No Retirement Income

401(k)s, a scheme devised by financial interests to milk the middle class and promoted by the Republic Party, like all trickle down Randian economic schemes, have proven to be a disaster. Here is the real story; it isn’t pretty, and it is hardly acknowledged by American corporate media. But its impact is going to be …

SchwartzReport: On TPP Obama Betrays Public

This report arguments the Stiglitz, Sanders, and Warren papers warning us about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Obama for whatever reason is defending the indefensible. It is a grave error with horrible consequences. I’m Not Making This Up: Corporations Use Trade Deals To Attack U.S. Law