Journal: Cyber-Security Etc. & Multinational Engagement

As attacks increase, U.S. struggles to recruit computer security experts Hackers break Amazon’s Kindle DRM–The great ebook ‘unswindle’ Peace, Justice and the Lord’s Resistance Army Weapons-carrying plane headed for Sri Lanka Phi Beta Iota: It has finally come to pass.  Cyber-security–like the Black Plague before it–and of course the ten high-level threats to humanity so …

Search: United Nations Intelligence Training

INTELLIGENCE is DECISION-SUPPORT.  The process of intelligence is separate from whether the sources and methods are secret or not.  There is nothing secret, unethical, or illegal about the process of intelligence as decision-support. Original “Class Before One” (2010 Class 001 in Planning) 2007 United Nations “Class Before One” Infomation-Sharing and Analytics Orientation Other references:

Journal: Automated to Death–An American Obsession

FEATURE Automated to Death As software pilots more of our vehicles, humans can pay the ultimate price. Robert N. Charette investigates the causes and consequences of the automation paradox EXTRACT: The Flight 124 crew had fallen prey to what psychologist Lisanne Bainbridge in the early 1980s identified as the ironies and paradoxes of automation. The …

Worth a Look: First Ever UN Joint Military Analysis Centre Course (October 2009)

First UN Joint Mission Analyses Centre Course (UNJMAC) ever held The last seven days of October have been groundbreaking and interesting at Nodefic. A new course has been born and introduced to life. Text: Maj Erik Haugstad Tasked by the UN, and in close cooperation with other NORDCAPS countries, a pilot course for personnel going …