Winslow Wheeler: A-10 as Soul of Air Force – A Core Defense Issue Washington Will No Longer Ignore

More than 100 people (Hill staff, journalists, combat pilots and ground commanders, DOD officials and think-tankers) recently attended two events on a national security issue that is usually, even studiously, ignored in Washington: what is the most effective role of air power in war, and what is the thinking behind the Air Force leadership’s decision to …

John Steiner: Global Brain at Huffington Post [Don’t Laugh, Please…]

Global Brain What Is the ‘Internet of Things’? Cadell Last | Posted 11.26.2013 | Technology Read More: Global Brain, Intelligence, Human Evolution, Computers, Science, Future, Technology, Robots, Internet, Internet of Things, Futurism, Technology News Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT). Currently the idea of the IoT has many definitions. Most include a world in …

John Maguire: YouTube (5:19) What Is The Integral Movement?

Phi Beta Iota: Another phenomenal personal effort by John Maguire. Inspiration in our darkest hour of betrayal. People with integral consciousness can nueralize traitors and criminals destroying the Commonwealth, BUT that universal consciousness must emerge first. Start now — watch this video (5 minutes, 19 seconds).

Tom Atlee: Considering End-Times Possibilities

Tom Atlee’s Co-Intelligence Journal What this message is about: Concerns about civilizational collapse and human extinction in the foreseeable future are rising and moving from the fringes into the mainstream. Many who share these concerns are understandably prone to despair and cynicism. What are the various life-serving ways to confront and respond to these daunting …