Event: 22-24 JAN 14 Nashville TN InfoWarCon 2014

Beyond Information Warfare “Mr. Schwartau, why would the bad guys ever want to use the internet…?” (Congressman Glickman during Congressional Testimony, June 1991) It was obvious. To some of us. Now, it is almost impossible to quantify how far behind we really are. Information Warfare (some relegated the term as politically incorrect) or CyberWar or …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Backdoors and Hardware Attacks Beyond GPS to IPS CYBERPOL Guantanamo – Media Missing the Point? Hackers in Demand — and Rehabilitated Human Security First Open Academy Snowden Method – How He Breached NSA Stuxnet in Space (from 2008 onwards) Swimming Drone Wall Street Rigged — Robo Details Weaponized Internet

Berto Jongman: Chinese Lightbulb Wi-Fi

Chinese scientists discover light bulbs can produce Wi-Fi China is having a light-bulb moment. Scientists from the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics have discovered that a microchip embedded one-watt LED bulb is capable of emitting Wi-Fi, with enough signal strength to provide internet for four computers. The discovery, aptly named “Li-Fi,” relies on the use …

Stephen E. Arnold: Data Science Explained With an Infograpic [Science without Art Tends to be Stupid]

Data Science Explained With an Infographic Data Science is a hot career. Even though data scientists have been around for decades, but it is only the proliferation of new devices and data streams that have brought the career to the Internet spotlight. Data Science is more than monitoring reports about data or even the big …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter – Issue 67, October 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 67, October 2013 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 71,727 other activists. That’s 1,011 more than last month! View this issue online here: https://www.fsf.org/free-software-supporter/2013/october Encourage your friends to subscribe and help us build an audience …

Patrick Meier: Mining Mainstream Media for Emergency Management 2.0

Mining Mainstream Media for Emergency Management 2.0 by Patrick Meier There is so much attention (and hype) around the use of social media for emergency management (SMEM) that we often forget about mainstream media when it comes to next generation humanitarian technologies. The news media across the globe has become increasingly digital in recent years—and thus analyzable …