4th Media: Latin America and the US: The Apotheosis of Distrust

Latin America and the US: The Apotheosis of Distrust The year 2013 was shockingly damaging to relations between the U.S. and the countries of Latin America. Edward Snowden’s revelations showed that in the Western Hemisphere, Washington is trying to play only by the rules it itself has written. Using such spying programs as Prism, Boundless Informant and …

Yoda: Flock of Nano-Satellites

“Flock” of Nano Satellites to Capture High-Res Views of Whole Earth A private San Francisco start-up has launched the largest-ever ensemble of Earth-imaging satellites By Sara Boettiger and Sean Wagstaff Scientific American, 10 January 2014 The constellation of Earth-imaging satellites launched yesterday—28 individual sputniks, called “Doves,” each about the size of its namesake and weighing …

Veterans Today: Suppressed 2002 German Report on 9/11 — Probable Fabrication But Pulls a Lot Together

Suppressed 2002 German Report on 9/11 (Translated from German.  The original document, after careful forensic examination is considered “inconclusive.”  It has not been proven fake in any way. Ed.) On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally  notified the President of the United States that information developed by the  Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz …

NIGHTWATCH: Saudi-Funded Wahhabism on the Table as Enemy #1

Syria: President Bashar Asad Monday called for a battle against Wahhabism, the political and religious theology embraced by the Saudi Arabian government that backs the Sunni uprising against his regime. “President Assad said that extremists and Wahhabi thought distort the real Islam, which is tolerant,” state news agency SANA reported. He underlined the role of …