Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Fakes and Data Losses

Deepfakes and Other AI Threats As AI technology matures it has greater and greater potential to facilitate bad actors. Now, researchers at the University College London have concluded that falsified audio and video content poses the greatest danger. The university announces its results on its news page in, “‘Deepfakes’ Ranked as Most Serious AI Crime …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine!

American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine! Let us be real clear, unless you can stare at the Sun to draw enough energy to stay alive than you need Food to survive. It is a concept! Famine is historically the #1 Killer of Humanity, and America, Europe, and China are all …

Yoda: Zionist Plan – Biden Steps Down, Zionist Asian Slave Owner Harris Rises, Republican Never Trumper as VP (Zionist Bob Corker)? AND Jared Kushner Sodomizes Kayne West . . .

Shit, not. Satire, not. Plan, this is. Kamala Harris’ Husband Doug Emhoff Is Our Hot Jewish Dad Crush If you’re not confused, you’re not paying attention: We’re living at the near-height of anti-Semitic incidents in American history. We’re also living during the most Jewish presidential election in American history.