Stephen E. Arnold: Google’s Closed (Controlled) Jail Yard

Google and the Mobile Traffic Matter I read a couple of writes up about “Google May Be Stealing Your Mobile Traffic.” Quite surprisingly there was a response to these “stealing” articles by Google. You can read the explanation in a comment by Malte Ubl in the original article (link here).   . . .  Today’s Google …

Antechinus: Google Evil – Election Bias [Facebook & Twitter Also Evil — All Three Serve 1% Control Agenda]

Harvard PhD Explains How Google Search Bias Could “Shift 3 Million Votes” In Upcoming Election Because Google handles 90 percent of search in most countries and because many elections are very close, he estimates that the Search Engine Manipulation Effect has been determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the national elections in …

Stephen E. Arnold: Goring the Oxen — Palantir, Facebook, Google — and Noticing Steele’s Idea for Open Source Micro-Payments in Blockchain

From My Palantir Archive: Security With Socom embracing Palantir for maybe three years, my question is, “Does Palantir have safeguards in place which will make a third Buzzfeed type article a low probability or 0.000001 event? Yikes, two articles based on what may be leaked internal information. What happens if sensitive military information goes walkabout? …