Eagle: 300 Million Citizens – 100 Million Qualify for Poverty Phone?

Mixed feelings. Great idea — one that has been recommended for the five billion poor everywhere else in the world. Troubling:  out of 300 million citizens, 100 million qualify for this specific form of poverty assistance? Obama Phone: Gov to Spend $2.4 Billion On Millions of Free Phones In 2012 Mac Slavo SHTFplan.com, February 9th, …

Robert Steele: The Craft of Intelligence – OLD vs. NEW

UPDATED 18 January 2014 Intelligence Chief Describes Complex Challenges. America and the world are facing the most complex set of challenges in at least 50 years, the director of national intelligence told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence here today. James R. Clapper Jr. said capabilities, technologies, know-how, communications and environmental forces “aren’t confined by …

Kevin Barrett: Larry Silverstein Chutzpah or Super Criminal?

Chutzpah, thy name is Silverstein! Larry wants more billions for blowing up the WTC If you thought Andrew “assassinate Obama for Israel” Adler was the last word in chutzpah…think again. Kevin Barrett truthjihad.blog, Saturday, February 4, 2012 Larry “blow up the World Trade Center for Israel” Silverstein is light-years beyond Adler. Larry Silverstein, you may …

Berto Jongman: Kurzweil Blog – Bypass the Internet!

Bypass the Internet! Amara D. Angelica Kurzweil Blog, January 30, 2012 I’m sick of hearing about how we need to cave into repressive governments and throttle back Google, Twitter, Facebook, and other information services and accept Web censorship and limits on free expression. Get the hell off my cloud. “If a full-surveillance world prevents us …

Berto Jongman: Does Terrorism Work? What Do They Want? + Meta-RECAP

Does Terrorism Really Work? Evolution in the Conventional Wisdom Since 9/11 (Max Abrahms) What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy (Max Abrahms) Why Terrorism Does Not Work (Max Abrahms) Max Abrahms Website Phi Beta Iota:  Terrorism is a tactic.  Both Israel and the USA have used it to great effect, and evidently continue …