Scott Bennett: Same Traitors That Screwed Up Venezuela Now Want to Wage War on Iran — CIA Cooking the Books? Bolton a Flat Out Traitor and Liar?

CIA and Mossad conflating intelligence to push US into military conflict with Iran: Expert America’s CIA and Israel’s Mossad are conflating and distorting intelligence to push the United States into a military conflict with Iran, according to Scott Bennett, a former US military psychological warfare officer and political commentator. Bennett made the remarks in an …

Robert Steele: Counterintelligence Failure by CIA and NSA in Venezuela UPDATE 1

La plus grande défaite de la CIA depuis des décennies The greatest defeat of CIA in two decades Valentin Vasilescu It is only now that the Americans have learned that all the opposition groups of the Caracas regime have been infiltrated by agents of the SEIN counterintelligence. Full translation, comment, and GRU video below …

Mongoose: Australia Testing Chinese Mass Surveillance, Social Scoring, and Virtual Fences – 5G Aspect

Darwin, Australia Adopts China’s Tech for Total Social Control The CCP’s smart city Social Credit System is able to monitor each person in the society, tracking every element of their lives—including their friends, online purchases, daily behavior, and other information—and assigns each person a citizen score that determines their level of freedom in society. Tip …

Mongoose: Zionist Rothschilds Own Reuters & Associated Press — While their Anti-Defamation League Censors #GoogleGestapo

Reuters and Associated Press 100% Owned By Zionist Rothschild: History Of The House Of The Rothschild Phi Beta Iota: There is no “free press” anywhere. The mainstream media including Fox is controlled, and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is censoring, manipulating, and digitally assassinating (de-platforming) across #GoogleGestapo (Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, et al).