20120712 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH:  #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS:  http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ALL ROOT POST: http://tinyurl.com/OSE-ROOT THE BOOK:  http://tinyurl.com/OSE-Steele THE PERSON:  http://tinyurl.com/Steele2012 All the Opens Below the Line.  Also Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency-Truth-Trust, & True Cost

20120709 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything #openall (Twitter Hashtag) 20120708 Open Source Everything Highlights Open Source Red Hat’s journey through the “land of the giants” CULTURE | Robert Steele Joins Hackers on Planet Earth Event Free/Libre/Open Source (FLOSS, FOSS F/OSS) Free CAD Software to Create CAD Designs: NanoCAD FSF Restricted Boot Campaign GNU y Software Libre: La filosofia …

Chuck Spinney: Progressives Argue Over Defeating Obama – a Conversation on Email

Most of my liberal friends reluctantly support President Obama’s re-election, because the alternative is so much worse.  Invariably, they invoke the effects of a Romney presidency on judicial appointments, especially those to the Supreme Court (ironically, Obama’s two appointees just voted with the majority to decline to hear the Guantanamo case, if effect, putting another …

Penguin: Bruce Schneier on US Destabilizing Cyber-Space

Stuxnet cyberattack by US a ‘destabilizing and dangerous’ course of action, security expert Bruce Schneier says Schneier calls Stuxnet ‘mistake’ for US, argues world needs to tackle cyber-arms control By Ellen Messmer Network World, June 18, 2012 Revelations by The New York Times that President Barack Obama in his role as commander in chief ordered …

Joshua Kilbourn: ShadowStats Truth on Unemployment versus USG Lies

John Williams – Unemployment Rate at a Staggering 22.2% John Williams, of Shadowstats, notes that manipulated government statistics are not changing the fact that the true SGS Unemployment Measure now sits at a staggering 22.2%.  Williams also demonstrates that despite the hype from Wall Street about a recovery, parts of the economy remain collapsed.  Here …

#OWS Rolling Update + US Revolution RECAP

CORRUPTION is the common enemy, both in government and in the private sector.  ELECTORAL REFORM is the singular demand.  COALITION CABINET is the method.  INTEGRITY is the core value.  COMMONWEALTH RESTORED is the outcome. Occupy Revolution OccupyWallStreet (Home Site) Original Electoral Reform Documents (Updated) We the People Reform Coalition   25 March 2012 Penn Badgley …