Mongoose: Are the New Rioters Paid, Mind-Controlled, Stupid, or All Three?

An Alert Reader points out: We now have brain damaged weaponized controlled rioters. They are being controlled through mind control that began with massive childhood vaccination damage when they were young and is culminating in mind control signalling. They are like rioting drones. They are not rioting for a cause as their trained news media …

Robert Steele: COVID-19, Global Economic Re-Set, Sun Belt, Trump’s Re-Election Challenges

Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Watching the Mother of All Debt Entrapments via Alexandra Bruce “once you understand Covid-19 as part of the currency war, everything makes much more sense” A Sun Belt time bomb threatens Trump’s reelection To mask and live in fear, or not to mask and live free or die, that …

Lew Rockwell: Rationing Life – The Logic of the Fake Pandemic

Rationing Life: A Major Objective of the Coronavirus Scam By Gary D. Barnett In my opinion, nursing homes and long-term care facilities have become the hotbed of murder by the state, and many forced to be in those types of institutions have been purposely targeted for extermination, albeit under the guise of protecting them by …

Mongoose: COVID-19 As Gateway to the Planned New World Order — You Have No Rights. Wear the Mask and Be Still.

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree.  We Are Being Played. Please Read. NOTICE HOW COVID LINKS TO EVERY SINGLE WHEEL. THAT IS BECAUSE COVID IS THE GATEWAY TO THIS NEW WORLD ORDER. “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will …

Chuck Baldwin: Pastors & Physicians Are Now Predators

Pastors And Physicians: From Protectors To Predators Historically, society has deemed pastors and physicians two of its most sacred callings. Pastors watched over our souls, while physicians watched over our bodies. The duties of each office were both respected and protected in our nation’s most important documents and doctrines. But in about four months, our …

THE STEELE REPORT ULTRA TOP SECRET: Questions answered today 1300 Eastern

The Steele Report provides a 2,500-5,000 word text overview at the Presidential level each Monday at 0800 Eastern, and a one-hour private video answering subscriber questions each Saturday at 1300 Eastern. SPY IMPROV was established at Hackers on Planet Earth. See past sessions at YouTube. Below are the subscriber questions that will be answered on …