Journal: Hubris Loses to Angst & Reality–Every Time

British student held over alleged airline bomb attempt Nigerian man reportedly linked to al-Qaida in custody after foiled terror attempt on transatlantic flight to Detroit Police identified the suspect as Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, 23. It is understood that he is an engineering student at University College London. One official said the man claimed to …

Journal: ClimateGate Sarah Palin Special

Boycott Copenhagen (UK Replay of Washington Post Op-Ed) 9 Dec 09 Any deal at the Copenhagen climate summit will be more about politics than science. President Obama should stay away. Copenhagen’s Political Science Sarah Palin,  9 December 2009 In his inaugural address, President Obama declared his intention to “restore science to its rightful place.” But …

Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Evening

Science isn’t really settled Science czar John Holdren, who will testified on Capitol Hill last week at a hearing on Climategate, infamously hyped weather catastrophes and demographic disasters in the 1970s with his population control pals Paul and Anne Ehrlich. He [also] made a public bet against free-market economist Julian Simon, predicting dire shortages of …

Journal: ClimateGate 8 Dec 09 Afternoon

UN climate conference faces four obstacles: Chinese official This conference cannot end with hollow commitments of developed countries, which cannot be fulfilled like its predecessors. “China’s position on this issue is very clear — the Bali Roadmap must be fully respected,” said Xie. Therefore, it is not necessary for the voluntary emission reduction actions taken …