Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

CYBER: 2014 Top Cyber Security Threats CYBER: Increasing Anti-Surveillance Momentum and the Necessary and Proportionate Principles (EFF) CYBER: Russia Internet Extremism Bill CYBER: Trojan.Skimer.18 Infects ATMs CYBER: World’s Biggest Data Breaches Visualized OPEN: Iranian Nuclear Deal OPEN: US, India, & Gulf (Cordesman) OPEN: US & UK Close Relations with Gaddafi Intel THREAT: CAR Humanitarian Crisis …

Chuck Spinney: Risks of EU’s Blowing Up Ukraine on the Cheap

Included in this interesting essay about the situation in Ukraine is a useful reminder of how the West succumbed to the short-term temptations of triumphalism when Gorbachev ended the Cold War in the early 1990s. The Risks of the EU’s Geopolitics on the Cheap in Ukraine by Vadim Nikitin, Agence-Global Released: 09 Dec 2013 A …

4th Media: Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game?

Anglo-American Axis: Losing Ukraine or Losing Europe Putin Can Win the Game? What is it that really “scared the hell” out of the Anglo-Americans? Could Ukraine become an area of cooperation between Russia and Europe? Could European countries break free? Concerning Ukraine, it now appears that the fury shown by the Anglo-Americans (that seems really …

Chuck Spinney: A Reckless Disregard for Truth and Sanity – The Syrian Guns of August

A Reckless Disregard for Truth and Sanity The Syrian Guns of August by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch, December 1, 2013 Remember the thumping of Obama’s war drums for a US attack on Syria last August and September, including his spokesmen’s absurd invocations of Kosovo as a precedent for a limited cruise missile strike on Syria?  The …