Review: Intelligence Collection – How to Plan and Execute Intelligence Collection in Complex Environments

Wayne Michael Hall, Gary Citrenbaum 4.0 out of 5 stars Utterly Brilliant, Eye-Glazing, 505 Pages of Straight Text, 10 Micro-Slides, December 2, 2013 You could read this book a hundred times and learn something new every time. I have taken off one star because the book is too dense by far, with a tiny handful …

Review (Guest): Who Really Killed Kennedy? 50 Years Later – Stunning New Revelations About the JFK Assassination

Jerome R. Corsi The New Bush/Dulles Free Trade World Order and the Assassination of JFK, December 1, 2013 Herbert L. Calhoun Introduction On page 317, of this book, “Who Really Killed Kennedy 50 years later: Stunning new revelations about the JFK assassination,” the author, Jerome R. Corsi, summarizes the consequences of a nation willing to …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Lynce Pinkard on Revolutionary Suicide – Risking Everything to Transform Society and Live Fully

Revolutionary Suicide: Risking Everything to Transform Society and Live Fully by Lynice Pinkard Tikkun, October 22, 2013 Global capitalism is a system, or rather, an interlocking network of systems. Permeating every area of our lives, it operates much like the Catholic Church operated in Europe before the Reformation. It transcends nationhood but is immersed in …

NATO WATCH: Time for a No-Spy Zone? Or More Realistically, Time for EU/NATO to Discover Open Source Intelligence with Integrity?

NATO Watch Comment: Time to establish a ‘No Spy Zone’ in NATO? By Dr Ian Davis, NATO Watch Director 22 November 2013 Promoting a more transparent and accountable NATO Disclosure of US intelligence surveillance activities in Germany and other allied countries has aroused angry political and public reaction in those countries. The whistleblower Edward …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Assasins for Hire – Pay with Bitcoin China and Bitcoin Cyber Security Tools List Cyber Threat to Energy Sector CryptoLocker Protection Dark Money Groups Fueled by Cable Deterrence? A Revaluation of Premises (Russ Wellen) Hanford Nuclear Gets Worse Happiness is Love.  Period. (Harvard Study, 75 Years) Intelligence Information Sharing (Small Wars Journal) Malware Epidemics (Recorded …