Marcus Aurelius: Rule One for Spies – Do Not Work Out of Embassies . . . Hmmmm

Guess CIA did not get the memo. Michael Ross: Rule No. 1 for would-be spies — stay away from the embassy Michael Ross is a former deep-cover officer with the Israel Secret Intelligence Service (Mossad). National Post, 24 January 2012 I have to admit that the arrest of alleged spy Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Paul Delisle has …

Mini-Me: Smoking Gun Documents on Iran From Israel Mossad?

Smoking Gun Documents On Iran “Found” By US-Backed Terror Group The people pushing for war against Iran are the same neocons who pushed for war against Iraq. See thisand this. (They planned both wars at least 20 years ago.) The IAEA report being trumpted as a casus belli contains no new information, but is based on a re-hashing of old, debunked …

Bin Laden Show: Entries 00-99 UPDATED 2 April 2016

Bin Laden Show….world’s most expensive PSYOP that keeps on giving. SHORT URL: 2016-04-02 BBC Censored Benazir Bhutto’s Report that Bin Laden Had Been Murdered 2016-03-01 Osama bin Laden’s will, personal letters made public Bin Laden died in 2001; several fakes followed. The last Bin Laden was a patsy provided by the government of Pakistan …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense “Strategy” & “Budget” — Ignorant Duplicitous Theater + META-RECAP

Various media pieces on defense. Gutting defense Obama to shrink armed forces The President’s Risky Defense Strategy President Obama’s defense strategy rests on shaky assumptions Obama military strategy: Is it bipartisan enough? U.S. right to focus on Asia The battle for the Pacific will reshape the world Military fighting force strategy set, but what will …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense “Strategy” & “Budget” — Ignorant Duplicitous Theater + META-RECAP

Various media pieces on defense. Gutting defense Obama to shrink armed forces The President’s Risky Defense Strategy President Obama’s defense strategy rests on shaky assumptions Obama military strategy: Is it bipartisan enough? U.S. right to focus on Asia The battle for the Pacific will reshape the world Military fighting force strategy set, but what will …

Marcus Aurelius: Private Manning Public Context

Article  below, based on views of three or so retired senior military officers, two of them former Service TJAGs, takes an unfortunate tack on Manning’s treachery.  Their contention is that command and systemic failures set conditions for Manning to compromise documents.  They assert that since he was  “juniorest guy in the office,” everybody but him …