Robert Parry: CIA at 50 – Politicized & Lost

CIA at 50, Lost in the ‘Politicization’ Swamp From the Archive: Almost 20 years ago – even before the Iraq WMD fiasco – as the CIA was celebrating its half-century anniversary, the impact of a Reagan-era “reorganization” was being felt in the “politicization” of intelligence, Robert Parry wrote in 1997. Now, a new reorganization could make matters worse. By Robert Parry …

Robert Steele: On Petraeus, a Mossad Honey Trap, and More — This Is a Bye for Israel — Update 6

Sigh. I was not going to comment on David Patraeus gross dereliction of duty but several colleagues are totally pissed off and they are correct to be angry. Here are a mix of supposition and fact along with my conclusions on this sorry disgrace to the Republic. HOWEVER, I conclude this is not about Patraeus …

Mongoose: Peter Mattis on 4 Flawed US Intelligence Assumptions

Provocative. 4 U.S. Intelligence Assumptions That Need to Go Peter Mattis, The National Interest The flaws in this intelligence-reform mentality are four-fold—and each plays a role in how proposals like Brennan’s reported reforms are generated and discussed, as well as past reforms such as creating the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. First, many …

SchwartzReport: Treason at the Top — “National Security” Pork Over Education, Infrastructure, Family, and Everything Else

We have grossly inadequate funding for schools, infrastructure, elder care, child-care, and a host of other programs and projects that create a more compassionate and life-affirming society. But, boy, the dollars fall like a blizzard on the military industrial security industries. Here is the real truth of where you tax dollars are going. The sums …

Michael Flynn: Obama Delusional, CIA Unprofessional [PBI: and USDI a Waste]

Former Defense Intel Chief Blasts Obama Lt. General Michael Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, blasted the Obama administration’s approach to the War on Terror in a hard-hitting speech to a meeting of intelligence professionals. “The dangers to the U.S. do not arise from the arrogance of American power, but from unpreparedness or …