Stephen E. Arnold: Google Risks 90% of Revenue on Shift to AI for Search

Alphabet Google Search: Dominance Ending? I read “Will PageRank Expiration Threaten Google’s Dominance.” The main point is that Google’s shift to artificial intelligence “hurt Google Search’s market share and its stock price?” The write up references the 1997 write up about the search engine’s core algorithms. (There is no reference to the work by Jon …

Melissa Sterry: Why Facebook & Google Fail to Meet Need for an Open Source Everything Platform

I think humanity is in dangerous territory in respect of the ever-increasing concentration of money, therein power, in consequence of companies, such as Facebook, “shamelessly” [to quote the BBC] avoiding tax via offshore holding companies. Individuals tend to dislike paying taxes, because it’s often hard for them to see where their contribution goes. However, wherever …

Robert Steele: What Business Is Google In? Mass Surveillance. Period.

Reflecting on Eric Schmidt’s idiocy of yesterday, and the failure of Google to render useful tools enhancing public understanding and power, I asked a few folks what business Google was in, and how we should interpret their introducing of Google Fiber to major cities. The answer is: Google is in the business of mass surveillance, …

Sepp Hasslberger: Mosaic Social — Facebook & Google Killer?

What would it take to bring the social net under OUR control… here’s a project Mosaic.Social This is a first draft of a proposal to design and build a user friendly, egalitarian, and decentralized social platform that enables and inspires a mass of cooperative participants to come together as a powerful movement.   . . .  …

Worth a Look: Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus

Digital technology was supposed to usher in a new age of distributed prosperity, but so far it has been used to put industrial capitalism on steroids. It’s not technology’s fault, but that of an extractive, growth-driven, economic operating system that has reached the limits of its ability to serve anyone, rich or poor, human or corporate. Robots threaten …