John Robb: Soros Dumps Gold, Could Local Virtual Currencies and Local Water, Food, Energy, and Production be Next Big Thing?

BIG QUESTION: Gold or Virtual Currencies? As anticipated, we’re on the brink of a global economic depression (again). There’s a strong possibility that a long running global depression will lead to a reshuffling of the global economic and political landscape.  IF that happens, many of the fiat currencies we currently use will simply evaporate. Given …

David Isenberg: Military Sub-Contractors Managing Kitchens a Major Health Threat to Entire Battalions

You Want Chicken Pox with That? EXTRACT The story of what might be called the ghost of chicken pox future starts with Najlaa International Catering Services (NICS), a KBR contractor, headquartered in Kuwait. NICS was solicited by KBR in the spring of 2008 to provide a Request for Proposal (RFP) for approximately 32 Dining Facilities …

Jason Silva: Creativity, Marijuana, & Butterfly Effect

On Creativity, Marijuana and “a Butterfly Effect in Thought” Jason Silva Reality Sandwich “The truly creative mind in any field is no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive.” […] “…by some strange, unknown, inward urgency they are not really alive unless they are creating.” — Pearl Buck, Winner of a Nobel …

UN + Start-Up Seek to Get Poor Online with Cell Numbers

Startup Aims to Get the Poor Online With Phone Numbers By Stephen Lawson, IDG News U.K. startup Movirtu plans to help 3 million or more people in poor countries use mobile services by giving them personal phone numbers, not phones. Working with a U.N.-affiliated initiative called Business Call to Action (BCtA), Movirtu will offer the …

Marcus Aurelius: Defense Downsizing, Retirement

Two core references for DoD going forward, both from the Defense Science Board (DSB). Corporate Downsizing Applications for DoD Military Retirement Final Presentation Phi Beta Iota:  Defense can drop to $300 billion a year without any major issues.  All it takes is integrity across the board.  Military retirement–as with CIA and FBI and Secret Service …

Cofer Black: Hackers Evil, Pay Me… + Hackers RECAP

Cofer Black Says Threat Posed by Hackers Same as Pre-9/11 Terrorism Public Intelligence Net, 4 August 2011 not to be confused with Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog Ex-CIA official sounds alarm about hackers’ next targets (CNN): The former director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center raised concerns Wednesday about an impending “code war” in …