Koko: US Government Changes It Story — BearGate

29 July Koko: US Government Suspends Scientist For Integrity Inquiry – Who Suspends the USG? 2 August  Scientist suspension is about project’s management The government’s new new story: ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — The U.S. government suspended an Arctic biologist over how he awarded a polar bear research project to the University of Alberta and its …

Reference: Open Source Agency (OSA) III

References to an Open Source Agency (OSA) General Comment:  as presented to non-governmental groups including Amazon, Gnomedex Bloggers, Hackers on Planet Earth, etcetera, the Open Source Agency (OSA) would be the proponent for everything open beginning with the four central opens necessary for Open Government: Open Source Software, Open Spectrum, Open Data Access, and Open …

John Robb: When Governments Fail, Criminal Tribes Grow

Monday, 25 July 2011 JOURNAL: Knights Templar Norway/Mexico Two recent attempts at revivals of the Knights Templar. One:  Norway.  In this video posted by Anders (the Oslo bomber) before his attack.  He makes a plea for a revival of the Knights Templar at the end of the video (the first part is an attack on liberalism/multiculturalism and …

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Baruch Fischhoff

BARUCH FISCHHOFF, Ph.D., is the Howard Heinz University Professor in the departments of Social and Decision Sciences and of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, where he heads the Decision Sciences major. A graduate of the Detroit Public Schools, he holds a BS in mathematics and psychology from Wayne State University and an …

Marcus Aurelius: Whiz Kids Gettings Out, CIA Armed Camps and Prisons Outside War Powers Act….

Whizz kids deserting the spy world as threat of attacks increases GCHQ is losing “whizz kid” specialists to Google, Microsoft, and Amazon because they can triple their pay, the head of the agency has warned. Duncan Gardham  The Telegraph, 20 July 2011 Read full story…. The CIA’s Secret Sites in Somalia The Nation, 1-8 August …