Zero Hedge: President Donald Trump is FINALLY Going to Kick Some #GoogleGestapo Social Media Shithead Ass — Today’s Good News! UPDATE 1 Binney Comment

President Trump Readies Executive Order To Crack-Down Hard On Social Media Censorship Of Conservatives Update: The Hill reports that National Republican groups announced Thursday that they would halt spending money to advertise on Twitter after the social media site locked Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) campaign account this week. Authored by Michael Snyder via …

Robert Steele: My Dream — Trump to Fox “You’re Fired”

I am just sick to my stomach as I watch Fox news — the six o’clock show under a clueless blond bimbo with a butch spiked hair moron babbling nonsense, is supposed to be covering #GoogleGestapo — the malicious illegal censorship and manipulation of information as well as the deplatforming (digital assassination) of conservative voices, …

Zero Hedge: Americans Think The Media Is More Destructive Than Banks & Corporations

Americans Think The Media Is More Destructive Than Banks & Corporations Authored by Mac Slavo via, In the new age of censorship, bias, manipulation, and propaganda, Americans have somewhat started to fall for it all a little less. Now, average Americans think of the media as more destructive than banks and corporations – and …

SPECIAL: #GoogleGestapo Facebook Rigged Netanyahu’s Election — Dry Run for 2020 Knockdown of Donald Trump?

Facebook would soon collapse on Wall Street. This is the story behind its imminent fall Itai Leshem @ Medium This is not fiction I’ve exposed, detailed and documented beyond any reasonable doubt for the benefit of our law enforcement agencies what I’m certain is a massive and illegal election bribe between Facebook and Netanyahu which …

Zero Hedge: Silicon Valley Is Destroying American Democracy by Playing Political Favorites

Silicon Valley Is Destroying American Democracy by Playing Political Favorites Authored by Robert Bridge via The Strategic Culture Foundation, Perhaps it was expecting too much that the tech giants would check their political allegiances at the door to ensure fairness. Instead, they have let their political affinities disrupt the process every step of the way …

Robert Steele: PBI Being Censored & Defamed, Seek Evidence for Federal Lawsuit

Phi Beta Iota is being massively censored in the aftermath of my posting an expose on New Zealand in which I identified myself as a white nationalist.  I am white, I am a nationalist, and I am also a supporter of our President.  I am also non-violent and not a member of any supremacist or …