Review: Analytics in a Big Data World – The Essential Guide to Data Science and Its Applications

Bart Baesens 5.0 out of 5 stars Superb Overview of Analytic Applications — Focused on Consumer, Contains Math, May 22, 2014 Bottom line up front: a superb book and a truly great overview that is easily understandable to me except for the fraction of the book that is math. Right away I like the structure …

Worth a Look: Analytics in a Big Data World – The Essential Guide to Data Science and its Applications

The guide to targeting and leveraging business opportunities using big data & analyticsBy leveraging big data & analytics, businesses create the potential to better understand, manage, and strategically exploiting the complex dynamics of customer behavior. Analytics in a Big Data World reveals how to tap into the powerful tool of data analytics to create a …

Anonymous Feedback on Robert Steele’s Appraisal of Analytic Foundations — Agreement & Extension

Robert, I read your appraisal over several times. Essentially, in my opinion,  your understanding of the problems continues to be on the mark and remarkably consistent over the last twenty or so years.  Yet your work on both the process and products of intelligence is very high level and in this latest appraisal, as in …

Reflections: Appraisal of Analytic Foundations – Email Provided, Feedback Solicited – UPDATED

SHORT URL: I was thinking this morning about how little has changed since I was a founding member of the Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Steering Group (AIPASG) and also a member of the Information Handling Committee (IHC) for the US secret world (late 1980’s early 1990’s). I note in passing my continued dismay …

Stephen E. Arnold: Small Analytics Firms Prospering on Big Data Investment Spillover

Small Analytics Firms Reaping the Benefit of Investment Cycle Small time analytics isn’t really as startup-y as people may think anymore. These companies are in high demand and are pulling in some serious cash. We discovered just how much and how serious from a recent Cambridge Science Park article, “Cambridge Text Analytics Linguamatics Hits $10m …

Stephen E. Arnold: Predictive Analytics, Food Prices, Revolution

Civic Predictive Analysis Proving Accurate We find the field of predictive analysis fascinating (see here, here, and here, for example), and now we have more evidence of how important this work can be. Motherboard reports on “The Math that Predicted the Revolutions Sweeping the Globe Right Now.” The key component: high food prices. Writer Brian …