Stephen E. Arnold: Attivio and Quant5 Data Analytics

Attivio and Quant5 Partner to Meet Challenges of Data Analytics The article on PRNewswire titled Attivio and Quant5 Partner to Bring Fast and Reliable Predictive Customer Analytics to the Cloud explains the partnership between the two analytics innovators. Aimed at producing information from data without the hassle of a team of data scientists, the partnership …

Semantria: A New Face For Text Analytics

Semantria: A New Face For Text Analytics Semantria applies Text and Sentiment Analysis to tweets, facebook posts, surveys, reviews or enterprise content. A cloud based company that specializes in text analytics and sentiment analysis named Semantria has just released a new website. The design of the website emphasizes the different products and features Semantria has …

NIGHTWATCH: China — Analytic Breakdown of Third Plenary

China: On 12 November, the Third plenary meeting of the 18 Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party concluded its four days of deliberations and issued a communique. Many analysts and commentators have published their views of the meaning and implications of the many topics covered in the communique. The more superficial have focused on …

Berto Jongman: Crime Analytics Tool Cuts Crime Rates (Tactically — Governments Still Corrupt on Causes of Crime, Insurgency, Revolution, and Terrorism at the Strategic Level)

Predicting the Epicenter of Crime: Analytics Tool Cuts Crime Rates A predictive policing tool in use in the U.S. and abroad helps law enforcement predict crime in the same way that geologists predict earthquakes. EXTRACT Brantingham said that there are features in the environment that, by their nature, are prone to crime, much like faults …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Analytics Invaluable in Tax Fraud Investigation

Big Data Analytics Proves Invaluable In Tax Fraud Investigation Posted: 29 Aug 2013 03:57 PM PDT The article on titled Big Data Journalism Exposes Offshore Tax Dodgers reports on the findings of Offshore Leaks, the result of the work of an international group of journalists. The fascinating story of offshore tax evasion by over …

Stephen E. Arnold: Major Trends in Discovery Analytics

Major Trends in Discovery Analytics Posted: 15 Aug 2013 07:28 PM PDT Analytics is the newest buzzword in the enterprise. Analytics indicates that that solution is intelligent and agile, and the industry is paying attention. Information Management gives the latest news in the article, “3 Major Trends in New Discovery Analytics.” After a discussion of …

Stephen E. Arnold: Infographics Take on New Analytic Importance

Infographics Take on New Analytic Importance We are increasingly living in a big data and analytic society. But when discussing all this information, it’s hard to put a visual with it. Humans are, after all, very sight-oriented. However, that problem is quickly looking like a thing of the past after discovering a recent Make Use …