Stephen E. Arnold: A Non-Profit Search Engine

A Not-For-Profit Search Engine? That’s So Crazy It Just Might Work The Common Search Project has a simple and straightforward mission statement. They want a nonprofit search engine, an alternative to the companies currently running the Internet (ahem, Google.) They are extremely polite in their venture, but also firmly invested in three qualities for the …

Stephen E. Arnold: An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With

An Open Source Search Engine to Experiment With Apache Lucene receives the most headlines when it comes to discussion about open source search software.  My RSS feed pulled up another open source search engine that shows promise in being a decent piece of software.  Open Semantic Search is free software that cane be uses for …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Risks 90% of Revenue on Shift to AI for Search

Alphabet Google Search: Dominance Ending? I read “Will PageRank Expiration Threaten Google’s Dominance.” The main point is that Google’s shift to artificial intelligence “hurt Google Search’s market share and its stock price?” The write up references the 1997 write up about the search engine’s core algorithms. (There is no reference to the work by Jon …

Stephen E. Arnold: Web Cam Search Engine

Shodan: Web Cam Search Engine Get ready for the next snowpocalype. Navigate to “Shodan Search Engine Provides Access to Hundreds of Unsecured Webcams.” The write up describes how the unsecured webcam search engine finds unsecured webcams. The system may prove interesting to those explore.

Stephen E. Arnold: Sharepoint and Elasticsearch + Sharepoint Dedicated Feed from Arnold IT

The Integration of Elasticsearch and Sharepoint Adds Capabilities By enabling Elastic’s powerful real-time search and analytics capabilities in SharePoint, enterprises will be able to optimize how they use data within their applications and portals.”  “Combining Elasticsearch and SharePoint opens up a world of exciting applications for our customers, ranging from geosearch and pattern search through …