Stephen E. Arnold: Elsevier Threatened by Google Patent Search

Google Patent Search: Wake Up Call EXTRACT Patent searches conducted on the for fee services from Thomson Reuters and Reed Elsevier can be expensive. There are also some useful “free” services such as   . . .   In short, the Google may be looking at the hundreds of millions of revenue available from those with …

Stephen E. Arnold: Venture Investments in Search Go Up In Smoke — Way Opens for Open Source Everything Solutions

Is Time Running Out for Non Performing, Venture Funded Enterprise Search Vendors? Gee, impatient venture capital firms, grousing partners hungry for a payday, and agitated stakeholders, are these usually cheerful folks worrying about getting their money back with a hefty profit? My hunch is that some who wrote checks might be thinking about a vacation …

Stephen E. Arnold: Image Search Fact-Checking

Image Search: Getting Better and Better [Not Really] Image search means having software which can figure out from a digital photo that a cow is a cow. In more complex photos, the software identifies what it can. I recall one demonstration which recognized me as a 20 year old criminal. Close but no cigar.

Stephen E. Arnold: Search Sucks — Medical Search Sucks More

Medical Search: A Long Road to Travel EXTRACT You will have to dig through old jargon and new jargon such as entity reconciliation. In the law enforcement and intelligence fields, an entity from one language has to be “reconciled” with versions of the “entity” in other languages and from other domains. The technology is easier …