Ed Jewett: Book Review – Microcosm and Medium by Joseph Farrell — A Mind Control Prophylactic

There aren’t many things that get my anger and paranoia out for a walk on a rainy weekday afternoon than reading about advances being made by the military-industrial empire having to do with mind control. I like to be left alone to determine the direction of my life, so I find Joseph Farrell’s Microcosm and …

Anonymous: Mind Control Case Study – Psychotronics and the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Threat — Was Donald Trump Implanted During His Hair Operation?

Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge but believe this information to be credible and worthy of deep investigation if the Deep State can be defeated and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) re-constituted as a genuine counterintelligence organization with integrity in public service. There are increasing signs that the Deep State is using …

Berto Jongman: US Intelligence Veterans Slam Obama for Lies Against Russia in Relation to MH17 and the Ukraine

The MH17 Crash: US Veteran Intelligence Officers Slam the Flimsy “Intelligence” Against Russia Senior U.S. Intelligence Officers: Obama Should Release Ukraine Evidence Preface: With the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine turning a local civil war into a U.S. confrontation with Russia, former high-level U.S. intelligence veterans released a statement today urging President …

Robert Steele & Anonymous: Most Analysis Software Sucks — And Story of How Steele Correctly Called BSA Not Being Signed in Afghanistan

ROBERT STEELE: I have been re-kicking the tires on the obvious aspiring analytic software packages, and find all of them unworthy for multiple reasons ranging from an inability to ingest data to an obscene amount of training being required to extract data to a general uselessness at making intuitive leaps. I asked one of the …

NIGHTWATCH: India Begins Military Support for Afghanistan — Robert Steele Comments

India-Afghanistan: Indian Minister of External Affairs Slaman Khurshid said on 15 February that India will provide helicopters to Afghanistan. “We are giving them helicopters and we will be supplying them very soon,” Khurshid told reporters accompanying him on a day-long visit to the Afghan city of Kandahar, where he inaugurated an agricultural university built with …


Below are listed recurring authors. One-time authors are easily searched for by name. Alias & Collective 4TH MEDIA – Anti-Empire Tough Love Truths from Varied Contributors BOOP, Betty – Serving Male Officer with  Sense of Humor BUCKY 2.0 – Dave Buck, Robert Steele, Frank Wennin, Alan Yelsey and Others DEFDOG – Serving Officer and Closet …

Chuck Spinney: Should US Leave Afghanistan? Is BBC Out of Its Mind? Robert Steele Comments

The attached BBC report/video by John Simpson describing Afghan attitudes toward the US/UK exit struck me as bizarre.  The weight of Simpson’s gist is that most Afghans do not want us to leave.  But the report based most of its information on interviews in Kabul and only a short part (the wobbly part) on the …