Marcus Aurelius: US Army Sounds Alarm – Military at “High Risk”

If CSA said this publicly, it was a very risky move for him personally.  Absolutely best thing I’ve seen attributed to him. US Army Chief Sounds Alarm: Military at ‘High Risk’ WASHINGTON — Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley sounded the alarm that the US Army is currently in a state of “high risk” when it comes to being …

Yoda: MIT Hypes Artificial Intelligence — All Ying, No Yang

Good ying, no yang…. Unique computer system developed at MIT aims to get the humans out of data analysis A new system developed by researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) can surpass the smartest people in the world. It aims to exclude the human element out of the data …

Sepp Hasslberger: Climate-Smart Agriculture — the New New Scam

It’s all about who controls the food supply, and how many chemicals we can “input” in the process. Climate change is such a hot button, the agrochemical companies just have to use it to promote their solutions. No to Climate Smart Agriculture ‘Climate Smart Agriculture’ is agribusiness’ latest attempt to promote industrial farming and undermine …

Berto Jongman: Say NO to Mandated Cyber – Insecurity (“Keys Under Doormats”)

Keys Under Doormats: Mandating insecurity by requiring government access to all data and communications We have found that the damage that could be caused by law enforcement exceptional access requirements would be even greater today than it would have been 20 years ago. In the wake of the growing economic and social cost of the …

James Mattis: US Suffers from Strategic Atrophy

Mattis: U.S. Suffering ‘Strategic Atrophy’ By: John Grady USNI News, 14 May 2014 Speaking in Washington, D.C., retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis said, “the perception is we’re pulling back” on America’s commitment to its allies and partners, leaving them adrift in a changing world. “We have strategic atrophy.”

Search: negative reviews lessons not learned us navy status quo and culture

Complex searches do not work with Word Press but simple ones do.  Robert Steele has not reviewed this book but provides the link to an earlier guest review here an amplifying comment below the fold with many links. A search result that works: < Review Lessons Not Learned > Review (Guest): Lessons Not Learned – …