Howard Rheingold: Tools for Consolidating & Accessing Personal Knowledge

This fellow is an infotention superstar. He understands that the tools he uses are means of augmenting his memory, an he knows how to connect tools such as IFTTT, Instapaper, and Evernote. I’m going to start adopting some of the methods Steve recommends. Consolidating Personal Knowledge “This post is the second in series on how …

Howard Rheingold: Webinar on Personal Information Management Thursday, June 26, 2014 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT

I use Personal Brain intermittently. It’s a deep and powerful information and knowledge management tool that I recommend for those interested in serious personal knowledge management. It’s also a useful infotention aid. I’ve attended many of these seminars and recommend them. Rise Above the Information Deluge. Effective Visualization and Information Management Thursday, June 26, 2014 …

Howard Rheingold: Hacking RSS to Reduce Information Overload with Filtering Tools

Since Google ditched Google Reader, RSS has receded from many people’s awareness. Yet RSS and versatile RSS readers such as NetVibes continue to exist, and if you want to learn information skills to support attention skills, you can do no better than Dawn Foster, who can tell you simply and step-by-step how to arrange for …

EVENT: 10 JUN – 17 JUL Webinar Mind Amplifiers with Howard Rheingold

Esteemed co-learners — Introduction to Mind Amplifiers covers the broad theory and practice of intellectual augmentation and the practical skills of infotention, curation, and personal learning networks. The syllabus and schedule: We use weekly live meetings via audio, video, text-chat, and whiteboard and continuing asynchronous conversations through forums, blogs, wikis, mindmaps, and social bookmarks. …

Howard Rheingold: Brain Pays Attention — AND Manages Exclusion of Distractions

Empirical research on the neural correlates of attention is revealing a multi-functional system by which we balance the center of attention with the periphery, focus and scanning, allowing and suppressing attention to input. For students and those who are beginning to train their online infotention, it begins with strengthening the ability to ignore distractions. However, …