ZeroHedge: Russia Readies Own Web To Survive Global Internet Shutdown

Russia Readies Own Web To Survive Global Internet Shutdown Russian authorities and major telecom operators are preparing to disconnect the country from the world wide web as part of an exercise to prepare for future cyber attacks, Russian news agency RosBiznesKonsalting (RBK) reported last week. The purpose of the exercise is to develop a threat analysis and provide feedback to a proposed law …

Charles Hugh Smith: Ban All Collection of User Data – This Heals the Internet

 Want to Heal the Internet? Ban All Collection of User Data The social media/search giants have mastered the dark arts of obfuscating how they’re reaping billions of dollars in profits from monetizing user data, and lobbying technologically naive politicos to leave their vast skimming operations untouched. I’ve been commenting on the cancerous disease that’s taken …

Penguin: New Internet: Blockchain Technology Could Help Us Take Back Our Data from Facebook, Google and Amazon

Good work by Newsweek.  But what comes after Ethernet? New Internet: Blockchain Technology Could Help Us Take Back Our Data from Facebook, Google and Amazon EXTRACT: In 2017, IBM and Walmart’s vice president for food safety, Frank Yiannas, demonstrated how blockchain might facilitate the rapid response to an outbreak or simply make it easier to …

Anonymous: Will the Internet Get Real? A Manifesto on False Flags, Big Lies, and the Loss of Integrity by All Law Enforcement Agencies and the Media

Much of Alternative Media and the Alt-Right is Allowing for the Subversion of America: The Resistance Has Been Usurped. Feel free to share, publish, email, by Anonymous. How many websites and supposed “investigative voices” are focused on the fact there is no / zero substantive evidence any one actually died, let alone was wounded, at …

Penguin: Forbes on Internet and Tim Berners-Lee “Take the Power Back”

Enough Is Enough: The World Wide Web’s Creator Is Taking The Power Back In an interview with Fast Times, Berners-Lee demonstrated an early version of an app running on Solid. Author Katrina Brooker describes it as “a mashup of Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, Slack, Spotify, and WhatsApp.” The difference, she explains, is that every every …

Penguin: Open Source Starting Point for Post #GoogleGestapo Internet? (Designed by Tim Berners-Lee) UPDATE 1 Stephen E. Arnold Comments

Exclusive: Tim Berners-Lee tells us his radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web With an ambitious decentralized platform, the father of the web hopes it’s game on for corporate tech giants like Facebook and Google. For years now, Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control …