More Than Espionage: Open-source intelligence should be part of solution   Washington Times   January 27, 2010    Pg. B3 By Andrew M. Borene Here’s some food for thought: White House policymakers and Congress can help develop an increasingly robust national intelligence capacity by investing new money in the pursuit of a centralized open-source intelligence (OSINT) …

Graphic: OSINT DOSC MDSC as Kernel for Global Grid to Meet Stabilization & Reconstruction as Well as Whole of Government Policy, Acquisition, and Operations Support

Source Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is high school–advanced is Multinational Multiagency Multidiscipline Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2).  The fastest way to re-invent and revitalize intelligence for any nation (or region such as Africa or South America) is to create a Defense Open Source Center (DOSC) that serves as the interface between a Multinational Decision Support …

Journal: ClimateGate Suppression Continues–Academy Wants Gore’s Oscar Back

U.N. to open “climategate” probe, Issa criticizes Obama’s refusal to investigate The UN has announced it will open an investigation into climate research as a result of the CRU e-mails and documents that became public last week. The UN said it is luanching the probe because some of the research in question touches on related …

Experienced Pathologist Explains Blood Clots, Nano Tech and Parasites in COVID Vaccines

Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist with 26 years of experience, explains that the blood clots that have been found by morticians, and also in living patients, are congealed protein made from an amyloid-like material. Dr. Cole said the microscopic rod and circuit-like structures others have identified as graphene oxide are actually cholesterol crystals, stacked-layered cholesterol, …