Mongoose: Understanding Deep State / CIA Control of the Media — 50 Documented Points President of the United States of America Should Be Thinking About…

50 Facts Illustrating Mainstream Media’s Relationship With The US Government (CIA) EXTRACTS: Psychological operations in the form of journalism were perceived as necessary to influence and direct mass opinion, as well as elite perspectives. “[T]he President of the United States, the Secretary of State, Congressmen and even the Director of the CIA himself will read, …

Robert Steele: Leonard Pozner Attempting to Delete and Make Invisible All Posts Critical of the Flawed Legal Finding in the Sandy Hook Case?

Attempt to Vanish Posts Critical of the Sandy Hook Hoax Libel Judgment A request under the name of Leonard Pozner — the plaintiff in that case — was submitted to Google, asking it to deindex these criticisms (which aren’t themselves covered by the judgment). ROBERT STEELE: I believe the Pozner vs Fetzner case in Wisconsin, …

Claire Edwards: Western Insanity and 5G Electromagnetic Radiation For Sale to Lowest 5G Bidder: Planet Earth (Populations & Wildlife Optional)

Western Insanity and 5G Electromagnetic Radiation For Sale to Lowest 5G Bidder: Planet Earth (Populations & Wildlife Optional) Modern science blindly continues to prop up an increasingly indefensible Newtonian model of a material universe and demeans the efforts of open-minded scientists who are providing ever more data to support Nikola Tesla’s assertion that the universe …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 33 – Controlled Demolition

American Gray Swans – Week 33 – Controlled Demolition The phrase became quite popular in America after the 911 bombings as it seems that the only way according to Newtonian physics for Building 7 (Solomon Building) to collapse in 7 seconds in its own footprint is by Controlled Demolition. And surprise surprise, that is the …

Event: Lionel in NYC Cutting Room 5 October 2016

“We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.” — Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. 44 E. 32nd St. New York $35 admission, $25 food & drink minimum, total $60 More information and ticket link below the fold.