Jean Lievens: Nora McDevitt on Living in the 21st Century – The Sharing Economy, Peer to Peer, Climate Change, and The Last 5 Billion

Living in the 21st Century: The Sharing Economy, Peer to Peer, Climate Change, and The Last 5 Billion EXTRACT This fast-moving, transformative, technological revolution will continue to unseat the old paradigm in ways that we have only begun to fathom. The old model of leadership enforces a top-down paradigm, and coined by Shepard Fairley as …

Jean Lievens: Overhaul Global Economy — Deals with Climate Change, Generates More and Better Profits

Climate change report: prevent damage by overhauling global economy Reducing emissions can generate better growth than old high-carbon model, says co-author of report, Lord Stern. The world can still act in time to stave off the worst effects of climate change, and enjoy the fruits of continued economic growth as long as the global economy …

Berto Jongman: Naomi Klein on Capitalism versus Climate Change — a “People’s Shock” Coming? Robert Steele Disagrees — Precipitants of Revolution Missing

“Worth a look.” Naomi Klein to Degrowth Conference: Climate Change Can Deliver ‘People’s Shock’ Status quo is not an option if we are to rein in runaway emissions, This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs. the Climate author says in address to conference “You’re having the core conversation of our time.” That was the message delivered on …

SchwartzReport: Economics of Action Now on Climate Change = 40% Savings

This is why what Senator Inhofe did was so very wrong. An entire country, indeed the world, will pay in suffering and coin, because a tiny group of corrupted politicians, of which he is an American leader, blocked any preparation or remediation. Delay Action on Climate Change by 10 Years and Costs Rocket 40%: Report …

SchwartzReport: Insurance Companies Begin Acknowledging Climate Change, Break with Energy Industry Denials of Climate Change

If you have been reading SR for some time you know I predicted this in the late 90s. Eventually a wide range of industries are going to be opposed to the carbon energy interests. This is an important trend, and one to watch closely. Rift Widening Between Energy And Insurance Industries Over Climate Change KEN …

SchwartzReport: No One Trusts Washington on Climate Change – Loss of Legitimacy is EXPENSIVE

The ongoing disinformation campaign financed by carbon interests such as the Koch brothers, combined with the corruption of every branch of our government, has left us in this condition. No One Trusts Washington on Climate Change CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL, Senior Editor – Financial Times (U.K.) In the age of the Iraq war and Obamacare, the government …